Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Certificate of Completion"

Chair's final approval came on the 22th night, and L printed and sent my diss. via Fedex overnight early yesterday morning-- the morning of E's birthday.

Got the approval from OARD this morning-- they are obviously way more efficient than they would want you to believe--and around noon time, got everything done, finally.

The moment I uploaded the pdf file, the panic came back again, as it always did-- what if there're still countless typos? what if the abstract and Intro still suck? -- but i knew it was the end, no matter what, and i had to stop and click the "submit" button.

So that's it-- The End.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

最后一个deadline 终于没办法赶,

--6.22。前晚收到SS信,说我改得很棒,我实在不知该哭该笑了,就是因等她,Chair刚又给了一堆意见,这下真是进也不是退也不是。昨天上午终于还是把最后又改了的Intro发给了Chair. 不知她什么时候能最后点头?

Eugene快过生日了。学校学的歌不用再要妈咪查资料来猜,能一句一句歌词讲给妈咪听了。那天,很久没玩幻想游戏的他,又来了灵感,居然把剧情从以往的具体叙述上升到了概念的抽象表演境界:要我们一个人作“晚上”, 一个人作“彩灯”,他是开灯的人,大家来演天黑了,灯亮起来五颜六色的情景,我们笑到喷饭。这人以后真可以去作导演唉!半年前那个淋浴时转圈,说自己是洗衣机的妙喻很是impress了一家人,现在的小创意更随意,拿个什么长东西放在鼻子前就开始作大象。一小块长条扁积木放在嘴边说他在吹口琴,倒真是惟妙惟肖。两块积木一横一竖搭起来,举起来就成了蛋筒冰淇淋,满屋子吆喝开他的冰店。我还真没想到过积木可以这么玩呢。