Monday, December 21, 2009
昨晚游Bellevue downtown
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Should I go up and say hi
in this children's clothes store
on this unlikely weekday morning?
Outside it's so freezing
snow has been falling in my mind for hours,
silently of course.
The moment I finally waved to her
with the discounted purple scarf in hand,
I knew she didn't recognize me
even though she smiled back almost immediately.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Morning reading
Thursday, December 3, 2009
不象当初对那首费加罗婚礼序曲的热爱纯粹是天然反应,他喜欢Vivaldi好像更多因为看过的动画片里提到。今天用带Vivaldi CD去学校跟小朋友分享才哄得他上学去。
小人喜欢的小朋友Carina跟妈妈回了巴西,不知几时才会再来美国。上学就少了很多乐趣。有一天,我问他,宝宝今天和小朋友一起玩了吗?他答,没有, Carina不在,宝宝自己玩,等Carina回来了宝宝跟Carina玩。说得我都伤心起来。可怜的小人,几时才能等来朋友呢?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
今天在S.State上的Espresso royale 里看到了你的朋友N。他还是那个样子,我们两在发现对方的霎那都很惊异,an almost surrealistic encounter?我说羡慕他已经毕业,他以一贯讽刺的玩笑说不必羡慕,因为他已是"a broken human being"...
在已经爱上了Starbucks以后,再回头喝Espresso royale的咖啡简直是活受罪。好象除了焦糊味,一点都不香,包括那里的cappucino. 而十月底的AA,你一定猜得到,阴沉着永远睡不醒的样子。目之所及,仿佛都在提醒我没么值得留恋,是到了该结束的时候了。
Monday, October 19, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sad, sad things
我们一直觉得在Eugene一岁半时能找到他们家帮我们照顾孩子是无上幸运的一件事,Maria自己就是幼儿教师, 家里母亲是个热情善良的老太太,在外工作,也在家里帮忙,两个妹妹也都快乐和善,家庭幼儿园办得有声有色,最难得环境干净又温暖。她自己两个孩子以及其他五六个孩子都照顾得开开心心。Eugene自己吃不好,他们就帮着喂,Eugene嘴馋他们家的食物,他们就开心供应,Eugene不爱学说话,他们就花心思捉摸他的身体语言。Sylvia是Maria的大妹妹,性格安静,Eugene刚去时总抱着哄,她说话不多,Eugene却跟她最亲。Lily是小妹妹,长得最漂亮,常跟我谈她读书考试的事,喜欢说西班牙语逗Eugene玩,而且乐呵呵地跟我保证Eugene完全听得懂西班牙语。没太跟Maria的先生说过话,他大多时候在外工作,只见他们透着幸福的结婚照挂在墙上。偶尔在家,会看到微笑不语的面容和趴在自家汽车下面修东西的身形,想象该是个稳重顾家的好人。因为他们,我们觉得西班牙语温暖动听,觉得墨西哥人亲切可爱,慢慢和他们成为朋友。去年夏天搬家离开时,真是依依不舍。
Friday, October 9, 2009
我倒好像越来越安之若素, 自己得意一下, 遂写几行以纪念。
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
有时候,坐在沙发上,听三岁的小人把我们当成想象里的弟兄发号施令,已经满嘴美式英文恶习:“you guys"这样,“you guys"那样,不是不感慨的。就在一年前,还在担心他话都不会说。
“粉粉!” (眼看他快崩溃了。)
“哎呀,到底是什么粉粉?是你吃的fiber粉粉,还是身上搽的粉粉??” (妈咪我也要崩溃。)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
剩下的肉馅,都包了大馄饨。 煮一锅,其余全整齐放进冷冻室,全都弄好,到摆盘上桌,自己对自己说,不错。
天还没黑的时候,门铃响了,我正在给Eugene找浴巾。来人自称是这片公寓的管理委员会代表,要登记住户信息。我赶紧声明我们只是租住,房东不在此,仿佛急于撇清,但被告知,租住也要登记。只好让进门来,从长计议。 寒暄,写字,又因为我难发音的名字抱歉地笑,等等等等,友好结束繁琐过程,small talk又继续了一番才结束。
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
so I read--
Someone's writing about her father's death, succinct and totally anticlimactic,
Someone's travelogue about Turkey, the stunningly beautiful remains of an epic past (in a pretentious tone way too much for me to like),
Someone's almost suicidal internal monologue,
Someone's short story, with a title word I have yet to look up,
Someone's column that failed to sustain my attention after the funny opening paragraph,
Someone's autobiography, which is so long I doubt I would ever finish,
Someone's witty haikus based on politicians' words,
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The heavy boxes with highlighted big abbreviations "Diss." have stayed in the messy uncleaned room for several days, and I wonder if the books and all those photocopied, printed papers are missing me. I certainly don't miss them.
Perhaps this is simply a consequence of several days of pure labor in the heat wave.
Now the weather finally cools down. How long the procrastination will go on?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
热得睡不着的Eugene看着窗外,忽然就喊,“Moon----" 又说,“怎么没有stars???"
Friday, July 24, 2009
"妈咪,Have fun 是什么?"
“。。。well, Eugene has these issues.. but we know he'll get better..."
"thank you so much! my husband and i really believe in cooperating with teachers. and we know you and mr. ... and the other ladies here are doing a terrific job with kids (马屁goes on as long as i can...)"
OK, whatever, 打电话,今天就可以。
我都奇怪,真练出来了,要是以前还不紧张半天?现在知道安慰自己, 很平静地对自己说,不会有大事,放松最重要。
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
最最初,就是喜欢侦探故事的。天性喜欢有原因吗?小时候,听妈妈说福尔摩斯故事和阿加莎克里斯蒂系列,后来哥哥也谈,印象是有趣的动脑方式,对问题的解答从蛛丝马迹里寻找线索,充满微妙的刺激。高中时零星看了些,大学里终于有整块时间为所欲为看闲书, 福尔摩斯一度是我想象里才华横溢的偶像。
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
学了几首英文童谣后,宝宝开始背学校里的英文儿歌,我从能听懂的只言片语里找线索去网上搜,寻出完整版,再回过头跟他一起复习,帮他练习吐字。可是也有找不到原版的时候,就只好任由他自己念叨, 我们大半不知所云。
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wildlife and Norbert Rillieux
"Great!" was my answer to the beloved teacher. And the fact is on top of the housework and my own research, I officially start to worry about my kid's homework.
To comfort myself, I said in my mind, even Eugene knows google, bing, and yahoo--we sure can do it!
And yet, life always gets more complicated than we expected. Our printer ran out of ink, so we couldn't get those gorgeous pictures of prairie and rainforest animals down from the screen. What to do?
Of course, if there's only one thing that I can claim I've learned after years of study for a PhD in humanities, it's the skills of searching (yes, it's "searching", not "researching") in a library! So off I went. I managed to find a whole stack of books on wildlife with fantastic pictures. I dropped some books with pictures that might look too bloody, violent or terrifying to little kids, and some with too specialized content. I ended up with a few with bright colors and a variety of different aspects of wildlife. Among them, a book with beautifully-drawn animals on maps of different continents became my favorite. Eugene's class had been learning a "continent song"--the book would certainly appeal to the kids as well as the teachers.
So, dinner/reading (see how outrageous it is--Eugene loves reading while eating his dinner, which I actually liked doing when I was little, so how can i stop him from doing this?) time, I showed the wildlife/continent book to Eugene. it won him immediately; so did the idea of taking the book to school.
It was said he was very proud to show the book to his friends in their circle time, and that the kids enjoyed the book very much.
You think that's it? well, once it began, it would sure continue. Even before I got this first task done, there had already been another assignment: "Norbert Rillieux--what did he invent? How does his invention affect our life?" Gosh, who is he? Neither the PhD nor the PhD candidate in our family knows about the man. Looks like we need to do some serious research this time...
I may become an encyclopedia before I get my phd!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
He started going to the preschool classroom and it was such a relief for all of us. Hope all the stress and unhappiness of the previous room (mostly because of one the teachers there) will never come back and he will have a truly happy time here in the new room.
In addition to performing all those stories he loves and re-living all the shopping/museum and park-going trips in our living room, lately Eugene has come up with more real-life scenarios for his pretending/imagining/performing play:
--He would block the hallway with all sorts of things, then move a big brush on the hallway wall, and tell us he's remodeling the library and doing some construction work and the library is closed for now and we have to ask for permission for passing. --a flashback about our local library's renovation project months ago.
--He would collect several little bottles and try to feed "tylenol" and "motrin" to his stuff animals, saying they're having a temperature. --obviously due to his frequent sick days in this past winter.
--He would go into an empty box and stay there, pretending to be a little puppy and waiting for us to find him and carry him home. --i'm not sure where this comes from!
--He would have our study room be the check-in place of an airport and give his "baggage" to whomever sits there. Then suddenly he would give up the passenger role to become the pilot and drive an imagined airplane with a Frisbee (which is also the steering wheel of his imagined car). --he certainly remembers our last trip to SD.
--He would throw all the small puzzle pieces on the floor and then collecting them with a little set of broom and dust pan, saying he's cleaning the fallen leaves. --probably because he saw a page of people cleaning leaves in one of his books??
(I'm still wondering, though--what do you do when your child's teacher doesn't like him/her, and especially when you yourself don't like the teacher very much and don't really buy what he/she says? i know it'll be a problem if you let your child know that you disagree with the teacher and we've always tried to enforce the same rules, but emotionally it's really such a hard thing to deal with... anyway, i'm glad that we don't have this problem anymore, at least for now.)
关于Michael Thomas's Man Gone Down.
作者对自己得奖原因和后果的思考和提问, 表现出一种对当下政治和与政治有关的文化市场极其清醒的认识, 那种不轻易相信任何表象, 时刻反省的态度让我想立刻开始读他的小说.
相比之下, H 这个我一直试图在人前为之defend作者就逊色太多了. H好象总想对舆论证明自己作品的受承认不是因为非文学因素, 但他有意无意的撇清却总因了实际上并不太出色的技法而适得其反. 如果他能对自己作品的市场接受进行深层思考和反省, probably his writing can become more interesting. His latest book seemed so tedious that i kept falling asleep over it on my last flight from AA. and i tried to finish it after i got back but decided to give it up. it's not that i couldn't bear the extremely bland style of prose; it's simply unbearable that between the lines of that prose i couldn't find anything as deep and thoughtprovoking as the author's name seemed to have promised. I'll stop defending him. for after all, i was just trying to defend a voice from home, or the home itself.
Friday, June 19, 2009
about the film I haven't seen
I'd like to do some historical research on this when I'm done with the dissertation. One more year. I decided that it would be too outrageous if i do more than 8 years.
Monday, June 15, 2009
躺在床上长长一个人,小小crib都快不够睡了, 问他要不要买新床,无比恋旧的他当然是大喊不要.
近来最爱抱怨"睡觉太慢"--他发明的句子, 表示sleeping takes too much time, 他着急玩, 实在没耐心躺着呀.
自从开始去preschool教室适应环境, Eugene就不再说不要上学了. 正巧原来的那个严厉老师最近也不在, 上学忽然变得好玩起来. 对新玩具和大孩子产生浓厚兴趣. 放学回来, 我问他, 听不听得懂他们说什么, 他老实回答听不懂, 却还是开心的.
little gym一学期快结束了, Eugene各项体能没大长进, 胆子还是不够大. 可爱的老师一点不给压力, 鼓励有加, 还总花时间来陪我们这个差生单独玩, L和我屡屡谈起, 在对待小孩子的弱点上, 觉得很受老师启发.
--上次, Monday怎么是Memorial Day, 就不上学?
--是, 上次是holiday.
--阿... ... (ft, 是不是holiday也不是Mommy我说了算啊.)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
深夜, 我们轻轻谈Eugene好玩的地方, 他居然是这样sentimental的. 一岁多的时候就曾因为看日落流露伤感; 前些时候有次路边野地里摘了小小蒲公英花给他玩, 拿回来后天黑了小花就慢慢合上了花瓣,他看到了, 立刻伤心起来, 好象小花的离去是天大的失落; 今天生病在家, 我开了电视陪他打发时间, 看到Pokemon: Jirachi the Wishmaker, 可爱的小精灵Jirachi最后因为救助朋友而幻化成光亮消散在天地间, Eugene就又难过了, 眼泪夺眶而出.
怎么会这样呢? L 说是因为遗传我, 可是, 妈咪我也是崇尚坚强的呀, 看NBA都是喜欢tough guy如C Billups. 怎么让小人tough些呢? 他倒也爱跟爸爸看球赛, 热爱游泳, 唉......
Monday, May 18, 2009
How are you, last night
"fine. thank you." Whatelse can I say. Diss. is going slowly, as always; plus it was the time of the day when Eugene started to feel so sleepy that he would make every effort to STOP us from taking him to bed. The whole apartment echoed with reluctance, resistance, and tiredness.
"how are you?? sorry i can't talk now-- will be back in about an hour?" As usual, it was probably two hours later when i got back to the desk. and of course
you were gone.
I'm thinking of writing a long, long, very long email to you. Believe me, I'm thinking of it every day. But again, what shall I say except
the diss. about Asian American poetry, which has been going on forever, the beloved baby, who is by now no longer a little baby, and his impatient teacher at the super-expensive daycare, the weird water coming from underneath the carpet in our apartment--how magic-realistic it sounds!-- the rain here, the problematic(?) tax return, and all the other details of my life that constantly threaten to drown my old dreams?
oh, but, we both love life, don't we, or we must say so no matter what?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
不到三岁的小人, 每天提的问题多到我们应接不暇, 在学校里大概没人问, 不好玩.
--bus, fire-truck为什么不会飞?
--[耳朵贴在桌面上听瓶子倒在桌上的声音] 哈哈, 为什么好响?
--怎么躺在沙发上听[东西掉在沙发上], 没有好响?
... ...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Trip back Home
Yet another delay message is being given—I’m sitting here in the
"The writing… it’s so bad, bad not even in an interesting way!" said the prof about a writer I’ve been reading. I feel I’m becoming less and less confident about my ability of judging or the accuracy of my critical sense. Is this writer really that bad? At least his first novel is ok…? And… there is this other poet that I really hate is said to have really ‘precise’ language, to which I have nothing to say. Is it my problem?
Or, perhaps the real problem is I always think everything I feel confused or frustrated about is because of my problem—the really really deep sense of diffidence. Somehow I feel even the repeatedly delayed flights are my fault too—I should have done the reservation earlier so that I could get one of those direct flights with perfect time and price. In the morning sunshine of
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
宝宝的歌, II
就等待吧. 华丽的诗句都是他们的,
我就等你说的妙语, 如珠,
--no, 不是sneeze,
--啊? 那是什么?
--是 "bless you!"
Thursday, April 9, 2009
匆匆就是四月, 艾略特荒芜的春天.
早上和water在电话里聊诗歌的形式怎么分析, 真好, 有做同样事情的好朋友.
很多很多东西要收拾, 我在沙发上边吃午饭边看New Yorker,
总是这样沮丧的故事, 没看完, 我就把杂志丢开,
真的, 怎么快乐的故事快乐的诗那么那么少,
痛苦痛苦痛苦的文学啊, 我们怎么在这样的篇章里快乐地工作?
"随笔", 日式的随笔, 你说什么就是什么了,
我给她去信, 告诉她我找到的历史渊源,
她们自信地写诗, 出书, 我查书, 写论文, 用这样的字眼:
seems, probably, it is uncertain that, can be seen as
越研究, 越没有信心.
Friday, March 20, 2009
给宝宝的歌, I
作了海水的地毯, 和作了火车的纸箱,
空中曾经飞过的小虫, 和遥远的以前你追过的猫,
都在眼睛里变幻消失和重现, 想触摸, 连回忆, 都在身边.
任何, 任何故事都在讲述里,
而当下不过是早上, 中午, 或者晚上,
其他, 好象都不要紧.
欢乐和悲伤如同, 一勺泼洒的汤,
其实不是, 没有什么是游戏,
Monday, March 16, 2009
西腊史诗的源头不光有荷马 (当然, 还有无数姓名已被遗忘的诗人), Hesiod稍短的作品Theogony以及Works and Days等都应该算, 因为音律形式上的相似实在可观, 谁影响谁还不一定呢.
我好象永远在感觉需要恶补经典的惶恐里, 所有发现根本上, 都是对自己无知的发现, 这是怎样一种体验啊.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
-Do you see your dentist regularly?
-Yes I do. actually i just had my wisdom teeth out.
-really, you did? gosh you had so many things to take care of!
-oh yes...
-funny we call them wisdom teeth, isn't it.
-[laugh, thinking indeed, what wisdom did they bring me?]
With Eugene--
-Mommy 今天是什么day?
-Thursday, baby.
-Thursday 过完是什么day?
[Repeated every day, over and yet over again. I'm sure he's remembered all of them but just wanna keep the conversation going.]
With L.
-I just couldn't find it after a whole day's search.
-what, what did you try to find?
- a theory about using still images instead of using moving images to make a film.
- still images can make a film?
-oh yeah... uh... Microsoft has a "Moviemaker" thing, right?
-o there's a big joke there... Once Bill Gates wants to use it [telling the story]
[almost midnight]
-[the story made me laugh] guess when i finish all this dissertation, i'd love to make a movie of some kind!
- sure at least you can make one with Eugene performing.
- oh no he doesn't even want me to videotape him singing.
With myself:
-really, what kind of movie do i want to make? an "experimental" one constructed with nothing but still images?
Monday, March 2, 2009
我这次的咳嗽很可怕, 昨夜到今天不停, 几小时无法睡眠, 好容易约上医生, 要等到下午三点半,
不住喝水不住咳, 看着表熬时间.
下个月的两个会, 文章都还没着落,
连日阴雨, 冬末甚至又下了场雪, 今天好歹有点太阳, 但愿一切好起来.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
为什么总是在深入研究之后发现最初的兴趣了无踪影? 为什么越来越觉得有必要找更刺激的题目? 可是可是, 我已经开始连跨媒体作品和实验电影都拉到论文里来了, 还有更刺激的么, 在文学研究的范围里?
Eugene会唱歌了, 只是, terrible 2何时是尽头? 或者其实是我自己的问题, 要耐心再耐心. 这两个月, 带他去过西雅图美术馆, 小人居然对艺术品颇有兴趣, 尤其大小不等的雕塑, 被吸引的程度让人高兴. 又去过一次动物园, 有选择地看了几个他的最爱, 尽兴而返.
Friday, January 30, 2009
早上精神大好, 走路去买咖啡.
今天, 我能写一页吗?
鼓励自己不焦虑, 耐心写东西, 质量考虑放一边, 先把东西堆出来.
Eugene用南京话已经非常自如, 会问为什么(更常说"怎么搞?"), 也会说"因为...", "然后...", 对早上中午下午晚上这些时间有了清晰的理解, 虽然英文还不太行, 我们也总看到很多和他一样大的小孩子更伶俐, 但考虑到他两岁两个月才开始积极学说话, 已经很满足骄傲. Eugene爱缠着我们讲故事唱歌, 逼得我们即兴创作了作品若干. 人说作父母也是个成长过程, 可不是, 我们已俨然有了信口胡说乱唱的本事. 最得意的作品有用"Sound of Silence" 曲调唱的Thomas火车之歌, 周华健"亲亲宝贝"曲子唱的宝宝爱豆浆, 自编自唱的棒棒糖歌, 和取裁于家里各个人回忆谈笑的童年故事系列等等等等. 每每逗小人高兴, 自己口干舌燥之际, 我会忽然想起, 多少年以前, 我缠着爸爸, 在他的字典上乱涂乱画, 不让他看书做事. 生活真的不过无穷尽的往复循环啊.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
This morning i brought Eugene to the "Little gym" for the free trial class-- his first time in a "gym"! We've been concerned about his being timid in the playground and shy with socials, so we figure it might be good to enroll him in one of those group activity classes.
It turned out quite surprising--
As I had expected, he was reluctant to go into the gym room at first, nervous and mad when I told him that the rule here required us to take off our shoes and socks. But gradually he accepted the rule, and I carried him--still like a baby, sigh!--into the group.
During the whole class, he followed the teacher's and my instructions pretty well. He walked on the air-bag--considering he has never enjoyed a bouncy house like most kids his age, it was such a wonderful achievement I almost hurrayed at.
He played with the balls, and although he wouldn't try a somersault on a low beam, he learned and really really enjoyed somersaulting over a horizontal bar!!! First with the help of the teacher and then with me, he did three or four times altogether. Sitting under the bar finally, he said, with a triumphant smile, "tell Daddy Baobao did this!" All I thought at that moment was, hey, who said this one was timid?!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
谁不知道文科PhD难弄? 我所有好朋友都已经问烦了, 已经没有人轻易不识趣地问, 什么时候毕业.
连小小的Eugene现在都知道, 妈咪要写论文, 写好论文才能上班,
当初当初, 怎么知道, 还有比教室上课不知怎么应对所有人口若悬河自己却笨嘴拙舌更痛苦煎熬的事: 养孩子和写论文,
那天安妮跟我说, 想练中文, 我说好, 我们现在就开始, 她却害羞地笑, 说我还没准备好.
在咖啡店里她拿了厚厚一堆餐巾纸, 我问她做什么, 她说她爱在餐巾上写字,
我笑, 跟她说我曾经写过的诗, 关于在飞机上的餐巾上写字的诗.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
8 Mile
隔了些时候, 看R的博客, 她学电影时写很多观后短评, 在众多欧片里少有地写到这部, 我又一次想到要找来看一下. 可当时附近的图书馆没有, 就又放下了.
今天路过录像店, 本来是想找个和论文相关的东西, 没找到, 忽然想起这部一直没看的电影, 顺利找到, 还正好不用花钱.
Rap倒底是什么--底层对社会的诅咒, 黑人对种族历史和现状的愤怒发泄, 引人入胜的言语暴力, 人身攻击,诗歌, 音乐, 都是? 都不是?
种族, 种族, 种族倒底是什么--想当rapper的白人掉在黑人堆里想发出声音,想成功的黑人在这个世界出人头第, 哪一个更困难?
看完电影, 又找了几首他的歌听,
丑陋, 这世界的丑陋, 那些好象可以征服却又根本上无法跨越的边界, 仿佛是毫无希望的了. 或者, 愤怒倒还是希望.