Monday, April 12, 2010

So he has it as the title poem of a new book now. and i need to get a copy. yes. for the tears it brought to my eyes when i listened to his reading, for the first time in my life. would never forget the experience-- crying over a poem heard, feeling extremely sad yet lucky to be there in the audience...

Bought a pot, soil, gardening tools for a Osteospermum/African Daisy/Blue-eyed Daisy, and Eugene had a wonderful time taking care of the flower. The first afternoon, he stayed beside the pot and wouldn't leave it, saying he'd keep her company.


water said...

ah, those innocent times.

fading sky said...

ah, lovely you--
really really wish could take E to see you some day. I believe you two have a lot to talk about!

water said...

let's plan on moving:)