Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Robert Hass's poem "Some of David's Story"

I read the poem aloud, to myself, in the sunny afternoon. I was back from Starbucks, in the middle of a messy room, sleepy and disoriented because of the sleepiness, my intro still needing 6 more pages. Gosh, the poem is breathtaking. I thought of the crappy poems and fiction about 6/4 that I've read. About youth, love, sex, political ideals and disillusionment, nothing could be better than this piece. Without fancy phrasing, it just tells a little story, the ending of which is even predicable. The suggested sadness cannot even be said to be "profound." Yet, everything about love, about the time when the world just started to unfold in front of you as it was, is there. And all I can do, as a reader, is--simply to remember, to feel.


water said...

breathe deeply and hang in there. it's going to be fine.

fading sky said...

dear, did i make myself clear-- i love the poem so! do you?

water said...

yes you did. and yes i do. but just like after reading your poignant pieces, i was at a loss for words after reading it, three times. you said it well.

fading sky said...

great. i knew you'd like it too ;-)
and thanks, i'm trying hard to finish the intro asap, hopefully by the end of this weekend. And then, there's the conclusion-- which i never know how to do, ugh...

water said...

Don't be too hard on yourself. i know you are an idealist + perfectionist, but remember, you will graduate no matter what. :)

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