Sunday, February 28, 2010

On the last day, it snowed heavily.

My more-than-four-hour meeting with S turned out to be a painfully confessional and retrospective conversation. My emotional chair kept directing my attention to my embarrassed position as a foreigner/non-native speaker of English in the English dept. why i told her about my interest in Chinese lit, i didn't even remember. And then her question, something like "why did you want to do this, appearing--at least when you just entered the program -- so out of your comfort zone," brought such a piercing pain for a couple of seconds i felt i was going to faint right there in her office. she wouldn't know, even with her lengthy post-meeting email that tried to clarify both her and my thoughts, that i haven't been feeling discouraged by the brutal job market situation. no, that isn't the real reason. what i'm struggling with is precisely the choice i made nine years ago--to apply to "English" departments in the US. why am i doing what i'm doing? S's question pushed me back to where i was in that very first semester in AA, faced with overwhelming challenges that made me want to quit every day... In fact, she meant to remind me of the necessity of acknowledging my particular identity as a critic, which seems the only way to sharpen my argumentative voice.

but, somehow, what i got from her words was: well, i'd better go back to where i'm from.

Friday, February 12, 2010




告诉快四岁的Eugene,最后的最后,Mommy还有introduction 和conclusion 要写。在他夏天过生日之前,就能彻底完成了。小小的人,全都明白。

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

好像已经颇有一段时间了,陪Eugene看书不用再全部翻译成中文故事。 句子短小的书念几次,他就全背下来。他自己边翻边讲的样子,真仿佛认了字似的,很好笑。事实是,仍然拒绝学拼词、写字,或者任何“正经”东西。有时候,看着他的小同学们那么伶牙俐齿,还一众都能写会画,就很想他也能"fit in", 可是也觉得,罢了,随他去吧,那么些自由的无拘束的想象,且让他再自在些时候。这么小,已经要在social institution里寻生存之道,够难为他了。
