Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's been quite a while since I consciously paid attention to usage, style, grammar, and new vocabulary while reading. The habit of constant language learning I had as a English learner/English major in China seems long gone. Not that my English has improved to such a stage that learning is no longer as necessary as before; it's just boredom, I guess, as if you keep eating/drinking something regularly. At last its initially exciting taste will become part of your breath, your daily routine, and will no longer bring any sensation to tongue, like rice, or green tea... Anyway, to break from this boredom and situation of unlearning--

this morning, I decided to buy a copy of Garner's Modern American Usage sometime soon and to start seriously reading NYT's Grammar and Usage column every Tuesday.

Yes, i need to do something, instead of indulging myself in self-questioning.


water said...

dear, glad you posted this entry. I have been wondering how you have been doing since Philly.

Again, it is amazing how we share the same issues -- the loss of interest and self-doubt. Only, I haven't resolved to learn anything yet, still trying to pull together applications for postdocs and visiting positions in the hope of getting something eventually, at the same time worrying that I will not have enough time to finish the dissertation...

hang in there and remember you are not alone in your suffering.

fading sky said...

dear, i thought of calling you all the time but couldn't pull myself out of this oh-maybe-better-not-call-until-i'm-happier mood. anyway, i'm fine and hope you're fine too, and let's find a way to celebrate after this eternal winter.

water said...

glad to know you are fine, dear. cheer up and let's dream about our celebrations when the winter is over.