Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm reading this review of a new biography of Richard Rorty at

Looks like a fun book to read?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Xiwen, here is a piece about Richard Rorty, written by Brian Leiter, a philosopher in UT-Austin. You may have interest to read it:

I'm amused by the passages:
"The discipline (i.e. philosophy) did not attempt to marginalize him (Rorty); there was extensive writing about his work by 'mainstream' Anglophone philosophers. Rorty could rarely be bothered to reply. He marginalized himself by basically withdrawing from ordinary scholarly and philosophical life, where your ideas and arguments are subjected to scrutiny by other philosophers, and you modify your views or respond accordingly... Rorty deserved to be honored for his provocative appropriations and extensions of the ideas of other philosophers. But the comparison to 'Habermas in Germany or Derrida in France' is quite telling. Derrida was, in fact, always a more prominent figure outside France than within, while Habermas was regarded as a major philosopher by philosophers, not just by journalists and professors of comparative literature."