Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Trip back Home

Sunday, 4/26

Yet another delay message is being given—I’m sitting here in the Honolulu airport, after a night at the lousy airport hotel because of the canceled flight, hoping this rebooked flight could take me home by tonight.

"The writing… it’s so bad, bad not even in an interesting way!" said the prof about a writer I’ve been reading. I feel I’m becoming less and less confident about my ability of judging or the accuracy of my critical sense. Is this writer really that bad? At least his first novel is ok…? And… there is this other poet that I really hate is said to have really ‘precise’ language, to which I have nothing to say. Is it my problem?

Or, perhaps the real problem is I always think everything I feel confused or frustrated about is because of my problem—the really really deep sense of diffidence. Somehow I feel even the repeatedly delayed flights are my fault too—I should have done the reservation earlier so that I could get one of those direct flights with perfect time and price. In the morning sunshine of Honolulu, I feel dizzy and tired and terribly guilty. Eugene must be wondering why Mommy doesn’t come back on Sunday morning as she promised.

Friday, April 17, 2009

手里拿着这本多年以前就读过, 复印过, 论文里引用过的书的新版,
我忽然发现自己不忍再看, 有种不堪回首的难过. 
怎么过去的论文, 总好象伤痛, 让我不愿回忆. 写作的过程总是
挣扎的过程, 要奋斗而抑制的坏心情, 
仿佛曾经的疾病, 偶尔要填在病历表上, 对自己都触目惊心, 几乎一种耻辱.

Friday, April 10, 2009

宝宝的歌, II

就等待吧. 华丽的诗句都是他们的,
我就等你说的妙语, 如珠,

--no, 不是sneeze,
--啊? 那是什么?
--是 "bless you!"

Thursday, April 9, 2009

从SD回来, 小小Eugene晒黑了一层, 好象补了一个冬天欠缺的阳光. 没想到他最爱海边, 只要海浪和沙滩, 可以永远在水里和沙里玩, 对我们为之惊叹的会跳舞的大鲸鱼有种不过如此的随便.

匆匆就是四月, 艾略特荒芜的春天.
早上和water在电话里聊诗歌的形式怎么分析, 真好, 有做同样事情的好朋友.

很多很多东西要收拾, 我在沙发上边吃午饭边看New Yorker,
总是这样沮丧的故事, 没看完, 我就把杂志丢开,
真的, 怎么快乐的故事快乐的诗那么那么少,
痛苦痛苦痛苦的文学啊, 我们怎么在这样的篇章里快乐地工作?

"随笔", 日式的随笔, 你说什么就是什么了,
我给她去信, 告诉她我找到的历史渊源,
她们自信地写诗, 出书, 我查书, 写论文, 用这样的字眼:
seems, probably, it is uncertain that, can be seen as
越研究, 越没有信心.