Friday, March 20, 2009

给宝宝的歌, I

作了雪花的纸片, 和作了小狗的娃娃,
作了海水的地毯, 和作了火车的纸箱,
空中曾经飞过的小虫, 和遥远的以前你追过的猫,
都在眼睛里变幻消失和重现, 想触摸, 连回忆, 都在身边.
任何, 任何故事都在讲述里,
而当下不过是早上, 中午, 或者晚上,
其他, 好象都不要紧.
欢乐和悲伤如同, 一勺泼洒的汤,
其实不是, 没有什么是游戏,

Monday, March 16, 2009


除了前些天研究的电影其实可以用静止画面做到以外, 还有,

西腊史诗的源头不光有荷马 (当然, 还有无数姓名已被遗忘的诗人), Hesiod稍短的作品Theogony以及Works and Days等都应该算, 因为音律形式上的相似实在可观, 谁影响谁还不一定呢.

我好象永远在感觉需要恶补经典的惶恐里, 所有发现根本上, 都是对自己无知的发现, 这是怎样一种体验啊.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


With the nurse--
-Do you see your dentist regularly?
-Yes I do. actually i just had my wisdom teeth out.
-really, you did? gosh you had so many things to take care of!
-oh yes...
-funny we call them wisdom teeth, isn't it.
-[laugh, thinking indeed, what wisdom did they bring me?]

With Eugene--
-Mommy 今天是什么day?
-Thursday, baby.
-Thursday 过完是什么day?
[Repeated every day, over and yet over again. I'm sure he's remembered all of them but just wanna keep the conversation going.]

With L.
-I just couldn't find it after a whole day's search.
-what, what did you try to find?
- a theory about using still images instead of using moving images to make a film.
- still images can make a film?
-oh yeah... uh... Microsoft has a "Moviemaker" thing, right?
-o there's a big joke there... Once Bill Gates wants to use it [telling the story]
[almost midnight]
-[the story made me laugh] guess when i finish all this dissertation, i'd love to make a movie of some kind!
- sure at least you can make one with Eugene performing.
- oh no he doesn't even want me to videotape him singing.

With myself:
-really, what kind of movie do i want to make? an "experimental" one constructed with nothing but still images?

Monday, March 2, 2009


宝宝自新年以来一直断续生病, 我们也陪着传染,
我这次的咳嗽很可怕, 昨夜到今天不停, 几小时无法睡眠, 好容易约上医生, 要等到下午三点半,
不住喝水不住咳, 看着表熬时间.
下个月的两个会, 文章都还没着落,

连日阴雨, 冬末甚至又下了场雪, 今天好歹有点太阳, 但愿一切好起来.