Kevin Young是我近两年开始喜欢的诗人. Poetry Daily上的这一首短诗, 我一下读完, 感觉好象闷热天里吃了碗冰, 从里到外清爽冰凉. Cool的原意不就是凉快么! 还有比这更干净简洁又情感生动的字句么!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
我们听古典音乐是这几年的事. L比我更着迷一些, CD都是他做了research以后买的, 他爱贝多芬更爱马勒, 我好象不太受得了强有力或极深沉至创伤感的听觉感受, 比较能接受巴赫, 第一次认真听就觉得忽然明白了什么叫"如沐春风", 那些古老的弦乐协奏曲让我全身心舒坦, 有要跟随旋转舞蹈的冲动.
可是可是, 要说爱一样东西, 在我们家, 没人能比Eugene更全心投入爱到极致了. 他最最最喜欢的音乐是莫扎特费加罗婚礼的序曲. 第一次听到, 只有一岁半的胖Eugene就跟着欢快的节奏动膝盖起舞了. 此后常常听, 发展到拒绝任何其他CD, 只要这一张的这一支曲子! 我陪着听到做梦都是这旋律在响的地步, 感叹竟弄出审美疲劳来.
九个月过去了, Eugene两岁多了, 会说很多中文的英文的词了, 有了很多老的新的朋友, 听了很多东方的西方的故事儿歌, 长了很多爬高上低的本事, 对曾经白天黑夜都要的牛奶没了胃口, 对几个月前爱不释手的小鸭子的书也早没了最初的耐心和热情. 但是对费加罗婚礼序曲, 他依然乐此不疲! 任何时候见到那张CD都眼睛一亮, 听的时候要拉着我们一起跳舞. 我们拿了一份去幼儿园, 让他和小朋友分享音乐, 连老师都吃惊于他对这曲子的热爱.
就象天上下着的细雨, 山里流淌的瀑布, 草丛里冒出的野花, 路上忽然出现的野兔小鹿, Eugene象爱它们一样爱着莫扎特的这支曲子. 一定是莫扎特的魔力吧, 让没有什么后天审美经验的小孩子如此, 如此喜欢.
可是可是, 要说爱一样东西, 在我们家, 没人能比Eugene更全心投入爱到极致了. 他最最最喜欢的音乐是莫扎特费加罗婚礼的序曲. 第一次听到, 只有一岁半的胖Eugene就跟着欢快的节奏动膝盖起舞了. 此后常常听, 发展到拒绝任何其他CD, 只要这一张的这一支曲子! 我陪着听到做梦都是这旋律在响的地步, 感叹竟弄出审美疲劳来.
九个月过去了, Eugene两岁多了, 会说很多中文的英文的词了, 有了很多老的新的朋友, 听了很多东方的西方的故事儿歌, 长了很多爬高上低的本事, 对曾经白天黑夜都要的牛奶没了胃口, 对几个月前爱不释手的小鸭子的书也早没了最初的耐心和热情. 但是对费加罗婚礼序曲, 他依然乐此不疲! 任何时候见到那张CD都眼睛一亮, 听的时候要拉着我们一起跳舞. 我们拿了一份去幼儿园, 让他和小朋友分享音乐, 连老师都吃惊于他对这曲子的热爱.
就象天上下着的细雨, 山里流淌的瀑布, 草丛里冒出的野花, 路上忽然出现的野兔小鹿, Eugene象爱它们一样爱着莫扎特的这支曲子. 一定是莫扎特的魔力吧, 让没有什么后天审美经验的小孩子如此, 如此喜欢.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
When we finally settled down in the area where the sky was always full of clouds,
the political news coverage became increasingly colorful
and fun to read just like an intricately-woven fiction piece. I sat,
exhausted yet highly intrigued, reading the New York Times, lost in a world as alien,
seeing myself dressed in bright orange paint and flying in an ever dark sphere.
Dear Eugene, your first days in this new day care were traumatizing to mommy.
I was even more nervous than I had felt in those early days
at the UM English department. For your smooth transition and all your happiness
in these past few days, mommy wants to thank everyone and—life itself.
I was driving around the shopping area near the town center, when it occurred
to me that I shouldn’t blame all those friends. It was me.
I simply drifted away from them, like a leaf, a melody heard
only vaguely in distance, or a small piece of joke that lost its flavor in time.
One of them once wrote, “you’re in such contrast with me—you’ve been going
farther and farther, while I remain here, almost forever.”
the political news coverage became increasingly colorful
and fun to read just like an intricately-woven fiction piece. I sat,
exhausted yet highly intrigued, reading the New York Times, lost in a world as alien,
seeing myself dressed in bright orange paint and flying in an ever dark sphere.
Dear Eugene, your first days in this new day care were traumatizing to mommy.
I was even more nervous than I had felt in those early days
at the UM English department. For your smooth transition and all your happiness
in these past few days, mommy wants to thank everyone and—life itself.
I was driving around the shopping area near the town center, when it occurred
to me that I shouldn’t blame all those friends. It was me.
I simply drifted away from them, like a leaf, a melody heard
only vaguely in distance, or a small piece of joke that lost its flavor in time.
One of them once wrote, “you’re in such contrast with me—you’ve been going
farther and farther, while I remain here, almost forever.”
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